Presentation Slides

Slide1Slide 1 Slide2Slide 2 Slide5Slide 3 Slide6Slide 4 Slide7Slide 5 Clark School Existing ConditionsLunch, Art, PE and Library all share same space Wilkins School Current ConditionsTeachers on carts, cramped OT rooms, end of life temporary portables in use for 14+...

 Changes for the Ballot, Voting Day Moved to 6.8

A Message from the Amherst School Board 1-27-2021 January and February normally mark the finalization of the budget process, presenting it to the public and getting it ready for the ballot in March.  After our public hearing presentation in mid-January, we are making...
Conceptual Image Gallery

Conceptual Image Gallery

AMS-Aerial – CopyAMS AMS-Interior – CopyAMS Interior Space AMS-Site CWS-Aerial1 – CopyElementary Site layout aerial view CWS-Aerial2 – CopyElementary Aerial View Concept CWS-EntryElementary Front CWS-SiteNew Conceptual Wilkins Site layout for...