Draft Design Recommendation Accepted by Amherst School Board – September 2021

After spending time with both draft designs from Banwell Architects for Clark-Wilkins, the Joint Facilities Advisory Committee voted unanimously to recommend Option C to the Amherst School Board.  This option expands on to the existing Multi-Purpose room, includes a proper gym, 7 classrooms per grade for K-5, and is a two-story building (no longer a 3-story building as was originally proposed in 2020).  The Amherst School Board accepted the recommendation and the team is moving forward with securing cost estimates.  The estimates are expected to come in well under the original 2020 proposal.  

Banwell Architects Presentation to JFAC 7/8/21

Banwell Architects has been asked to review and refine the 2020 program and plans for Amherst School District.  This presentation offers their first draft and design options.  They worked closely with building level administration to ensure the academic program needs were met within the scope of the square footage presented.